[inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
A space for dialog, co-creation, and questions π between members of our InDICEs community
About this process
New technologies can be confusing and complicated, but not here. Here we can help find answers, discuss, and imagine new solutions!
To help help our community thrive we've created spaces to initiate debates, propose ideas, keep up with what's going on or report bugs:
π€Β Do you have a great proposal for a new feature?
π Did you find a bug in the software?
π¬ Do you want to debate or discuss something with other members of the community?
π§ Do you want to follow the life cycle of the accepted features?
Feature request See all proposals (7)
I just posted a proposal in the labs section, but I was unable to post more details because of a...
Make it possible for institutions and organizations to create a profile, rather than a profile...
Is it possible to show in the "My Account" page the list of Assemblies I am a member of and to...
Pitch an Activity! π‘ See all proposals (2)
A joint response to the the public consultation offered by digital technologies for the culture...
Activity idea: Let's have a workshop for partners to improve their skills and understanding of...
Start date
April 28, 2020
End date
March 31, 2021
Reference: IN-PART-2020-04-3