inDICEs Ambassadors
Facilitating Community Building and Engagement with the Open Observatory
Informazioni su questo processo
The Ambassador Assembly empowers users to become expert users who can drive and facilitate activities on the platform.
To better incorporate the Open Observatory holistically in the InDICEs project, several consortium partners have volunteered to become expert users. This assembly will be focused on strategising to integrate existing work on the platform, support each participant as an administrator on the platform, and create a community around developing a more participatory culture within InDICEs. This process will be replicated in the future to onboard new ambassadors outside of the project consortium.
The ambassadors will take on the following roles:
- navigate the platform as administrators and independently initiate activities
- identify opportunities to initiate activities on the platform
- translate research and community needs into concrete participatory activities on the platform
- ignite and moderate conversations
During this assembly, the ambassadors will:
- learn how to navigate the platform as administrators
- come up with strategies for engaging participatory activities
- prepare a strategy for onboarding future ambassadors