Design and Integration
Developing participant experiences
Technology framework for inter-platform communication
Weblyzar data analytic platform and Decidim both have APIs that should be used to extract/retrieve data from one side to the other.
From Decidim side (InDICEs participatory platform) API could be used to allow Weblyzard extract data in two possible ways:
- The PULL approach: Create a poll service from the weblyzard platform that would query Decidim API in a periodic basis. For this the type of queries to be called from weblyzard should be defined according the capabilties of the Decidim platform.
- The PUSH approach: Decidim could inform the external platform whenever there is some relevant change. This would coud send the relevant data to the external platform or just inform what has to be queried at this point.
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The PULL technique entails developing a poll service on the weblyzard platform that would periodically ask the Decidim API. In order to accomplish this, the types of play tic tac toe queries that need be called from weblyzard should be defined in accordance with the capabilities of the Decidim platform.
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