Co-creating an Impact Lite Crash Course
Turning observers of impact assessments into practitioners
Roger: Research and Knowledge Exchange manager
Why am I interested in impact evaluation?
learn a skill set to help me at work
What GLAM sector do I work in?
What organizations, resources, or tools influence how I work?
Reasons to use Europeana impact play book
gain a skill set
support my organizations impact
learn about tools that might help me refocus how I work
Reasons to be a trainer
have a pool of peers I can approach with questions
What are my skills?
data analysis
Who is on my team?
What are my pain points?
hard to know best practices since I am an outsider
difficult to find specific resources to GLAM
What do I gain?
feel more confident while doing this kind of activity
Meeting correlati:
Kick-off Meeting
Welcome to the first meeting for the Impact Lite Task Force! During this meeting we'll be kicking off some of our activities that will help design our crash course.
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