Enumerate Self Assessment Tool
ENUMERATE campaign 2022
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Fasi del processo
124/05/2022 - 30/06/2022
During this first phase participants will fill out the SAT Enumerate survey. During this phase participants responding to the survey will recieve recommendations based on their responses. The participant responses will serve as a benchmark for the next iteration of the survey to then provide the feedback and recommendations.
201/07/2022 - 30/09/2022
Phase 2: Enumerate SAT Development
This period will be to improve the UI and feedback of the Enumerate SAT. Phase 2 will be dedicated to improving participant experiences through design, iteration, and testing.
301/10/2022 - 30/11/2022
Phase 3: Enumerate SAT 2.0 Release
Phase 3 will update the Open Observatory community of an improved Enumerate SAT Tool.