SAT Lite Beta
Testing for Innovation
Informazioni su questo processo
The Self Assessment Tool (SAT) Lite gathers the infographics that were designed in the project for the development of the CHI readiness assessment methodology. The graphic designs and representations convey the key concepts that drive the participatory innovation and its monitoring as is envisaged by inDICEs.
The infographics are communication tools meant to be styled in a consistent way, with the aim to appeal to a public of CHI professionals as well as senior management and decision makers and touch on the following themes:
Digital Trends and Participatory content highlights the main research premise and results from the inDICEs project: documenting the growing importance of participatory value creation in the CHI sector, and offering tools to monitor performance in this area.
Empowering IPR for the commons tackles the conundrum of IPR and in particular copyrights for the CH sector. How can the sector turn the limitations copyrights pose on the achievement of their core mission to deliver open access to heritage into an asset? How can assessing and documenting the
rights status of digital collection representations influence digitisation strategies and enable more freedom of action?
Invigorating Collaboration and Organisation Growth focuses on the reality that CH organisations cannot master the challenges of going digital on their own, and should build strong local networks as well as join international networks to build capacity. It also details an updated, adapted value chain
model for the sector that takes into account their core public mission and marries it with research insights on Culture 3.0 production modes.
Approaching Innovation and Digital Strategy explains the value of integrated, encompassing digital strategies that not only start from the collections perspective but also integrates the heritage community viewpoint. It addresses methodologies for innovation and risk management.