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Calendar: Policy Recommendations Workshops
Welcome to the second of the four workshops organised by the inDICEs project.
Our aim is to collectively define...
16 December 2021 · 12:30 - 14:00
Participatory process

This Task Force builds further on the outcomes of the original Impact Lite Task Force and aims to de...
Start date
06/04/2022 -
End date
Created at
05/04/2022 -
Participatory process
Dashboard Lite
Start date
Not specified -
End date
Not specified
Created at
09/09/2022 -
Participatory process
Start date
Not specified -
End date
Not specified
Created at
05/12/2022 -
Participatory process
This is to test the feedback mechanism of the sat
Start date
07/02/2023 -
End date
Created at
07/02/2023 -