Some of the resources followed are not public.
Calendar: New Professionals Workshop
09:00-09:10 - Introduction. Welcome and learning goals.
09:10-09:40 - Presentation: The evolution of cultural...
05 May 2022 · 09:00 - 11:00
Calendar: New Professionals Workshop
09:00-09:10 - Introduction. Short review of the previous session and introduction to today's session.
09:10-10:00 -...
12 May 2022 · 09:00 - 11:00
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
Dates: January 21st-22nd, 2020
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30- 18.00 General Assembly...
21 January 2020 08:0022 January 2020 13:00
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and Bibliographic Information (ICCU). The entrance to the ICCU is in the Central National Library building on viale Castro Pretorio, 105. To get to ICCU, please go up to the 4th floor by the lifts which are in the hall, on the right, then the meeting is in room n. 436.
Rome, Italy
Participatory process: Observatory Online Co-Creation Workshop
We're excited to let you know that we will be officially launching the InDICEs participatory platform 28 April 2020....
30 April 2020 · 11:00 - 13:00
Calendar: Policy Recommendations Workshops
Welcome to the third of the four workshops organised by the inDICEs project.
Our aim is to collectively define...
14 January 2022 · 12:30 - 14:00
Participatory process
Dashboard Lite
Start date
Not specified -
End date
Not specified
Created at
09/09/2022 -
Participatory process
This survey highlights the growing importance of participatory value creation in the CHI sector, an...
Start date
Not specified -
End date
Not specified
Created at
06/09/2022 -
Participatory process
The Self Assessment Tool (SAT) Lite gathers the infographics that were designed in the project for t...
Start date
Not specified -
End date
Not specified
Created at
20/09/2022 -
Assembly: Participation Model and Ethics
Principle definition: Connect people from different domains - CHI professionals, creative...
Assembly: Participation Model and Ethics
Principle definition: Making data accessible with a stronger narrative approach to encourage...
Participatory process: [inDICEs Lab] Support, debates, and great ideas
The current process of setting up surveys is closed off - i.e. only the persons managing the...
Assembly: Participation Model and Ethics
Principle definition: Making data accessible with a stronger narrative approach to encourage...